Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fwd: YEAR-09' begins...

A Thought TO START YOUR YEAR-09' with...

Powerful idea: the beautiful thing about being in the unknown is
everything is possible.

You just received a giant gift: a fresh, virgin new year - utterly
open to it being made into anything you choose it to become. Forget
the doomsayers. Block out the fear-mongers. Shout down those voices of
mediocrity encouraging you to play small with your days amidst the
dramatic changes in our world. This is a time to dream, to shine - to

It's a great time to be alive - regardless of how bad your life might
appear (things always get better don't they?).

You just got 12 fresh months (I needed to repeat that because it's
such an inspiring thought to me). Some amongst us don't have that
time. You do. You are blessed.

So what will you do with 2009? Will you spend it wisely - reaching for
excellence and outright greatness, regardless of where you work and
who you are? Will this year be the year you leave behind all your
victim stories about why you can't be in world-class health and lead
in your field at work and love your family like there's no tomorrow?
Will this year be the year you have the courage to catch a glimpse of
how extraordinary you are and then assume the personal responsibility
to let that talent see the light of day? And will this new year be the
12 months that you give back to the world, by lifting others up and by
being honest, ethical and downright good?

Just wondering. Because the clock is ticking. And this very moment is
a fine time to begin.

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