Friday, November 19, 2010

Fwd: Interesting facts about Rajinikant

Why did the British leave INDIA iN 1947 ?
Because they came to kNow a baby Named RajiNikaNth will be borN iN 1949!!


The newly got symbol for the rupee is actually
Rajnikanth''s signature.


Rajnikanth once wrote his autobiography...
Today that book is known as Guiness Book of World records..
1+0=1, 1*0=0, 1-0=1, then 1/0=?

This was the question onee asked to RAJNIKANTH and he said,

"I don't know!"

Thats why it's declared as "Not Defined"..!

Rajnikanth doesn't shave... He just looks in the mirror and dares
hairs to grow...!!


Part of apple's logo dat is missing was eaten by Rajnikanth...


Once while playing Rajnikanth said " STATUE " to a person.........
Now that person is known as "STATUE OF LIBERTY"....


Rajnikanth...... got shot yesterday . . today is the bullet''s funeral...!!

What is that rajnikanth can do..that we cant even think of doin it..?
He can answer a missed call.!


Breaking News: Rajnikanth Presented A Cheque & The Bank Bounced


Did U ever wonder...??
Wat does GOD exclaim when he is shocked?
'Oh my RAJNIKANTH!!!!!'


Government pays TAX to Rajnikant for working in India...........


Rajnikant has counted infinity twice.!


Rajnikant creats his new mail i.d.



10000 nuclear weapons, 600000 army, 10000 tanks,
12000 air force, 3000 ships



Once Dinosaurs borrowed money from Rajnikanth and refused to pay him back...
That was the last time anyone saw Dinosaurs...


A child went2 Kashmir& startd playing by making small mountains from ice.
Today those mountains are called "Himalyas"
That child name is RAJNIKANTH


FaceBooK founder Mark Zukerberg hospitalized with serious injury..

Rajnikanth poked him on Facebook.


Why does rajnikanth wear sunglasses?

To protect the sun from his eyes!


a 22 whealer huge truck once met with an accident against RAJINIKANTH
Since then, it is called TATA NANO.


Rajinikanth once ordered a plate of idli in McDonald's, and got it.


Rajinikanth does push-ups, he isn't lifting himself up.
He is pushing the earth down.


Basketball player to RAJNIKANT:
I can spin a ball on my finger for 2 hours ... can u ???
Rajnikanth: yena rascala, how do u think the earth spins?? mind it...


Spider man,superman,batman,james bond , ironman, shaktiman, krish all
visited rajnikanth.
Do u know which day it was?





Once when rajnikant was playing cricket ,he played a defensive shot...
And now that ball is called... " PLUTO "


Rajnikant once threw a coin in disgust at a black beggar,
he is now called 50 cent..!!


next day ...
RAJNIKANT chahte hai ki BIGG BOSS confession room me aayein!!!


Once a guy winked at Rajnikanth's wife, Rajni twisted his limbs and
broke his eyelid.
We now know him as Baba Ramdev..


Rajnikanth and Superman once had arm wrestled and the loser had to
wear his Underwear over his pants..

We all know who won..!!

Fwd: Business is Business

One day in a school in London, a teacher said to a class of 5-year-olds… I'll give 10 pounds to the child who can tell me who was the most famous man who ever lived." An Irish boy put his hand up and said, "It was St. Patrick." The teacher said, "Sorry Paddy, that's not correct." Then a Scottish boy put his hand up and said, "It was St. Andrew." The teacher replied, "I'm sorry, Hamish, that's not right either." Then a Jewish boy put his hand up and said "David", The Buddhist boy said "Gautama Buddha" and the Muslim boy said "Mohammed". They all were not successful. Finally, a Gujju boy raised his hand and said, "It was Jesus Christ." The teacher said, "That's absolutely right, Jignesh, come up here and I'll give you the 10 pounds that I promised." As the teacher was giving Jignesh his money, she said, "You know Jignesh, since you're a Hindu Gujarati; I was very surprised you said Jesus Christ." Jignesh replied, "Yes. In my heart I knew it was Krishna, but Bijness is Bijness!!!!!!

Moral : Talk the language which listener (Customer) wants, not that which you know.